Urban Landscape Inspirations from Native Plant Communities

Urban Landscape Inspirations from Native Plant Communities Wednesday, May 4, 7-8:30pm Hosted by Grow Native Massachusetts Online and Free, Register at: https://www.grownativemass.org/Our-Programs/evenings-experts Event Details: Whether at ground level or high above the city streets, growing plants in an urban setting imposes stress, both for the plants and the people maintaining them. We too often turn …

Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop | Westhampton | February 26

Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop Saturday, February 26, 1-3pm At Bee Forage Farm 42 Mine Road, Westhampton, MA Tickets $25: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fruit-tree-pruning-workshop-tickets-261369722877 FaceBook Event Details: With fruit trees still in winter dormancy, now is the time to prune. Are you ready to learn the techniques to successfully prune your fruit trees, improve their overall health, and increase …

Avoid These Autumn Garden Mistakes

Cornucopia’s Take: Organic gardening is sometimes more labor-intensive than conventional gardening, but there are tricks to ease the workload. Rodale offers great advice for gardeners. 8 Gardening Mistakes You Make Every Fall Rodale’s Organic Life by Rebecca Straus Source: Bill Barber These autumn errors set you up for extra work come spring. Fall is probably the time of year when your garden begins to get away from you. You get lax about weeding and procrastinate

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Big Drop in Neonics in Pollinator Plants at Big Box Stores

Cornucopia’s Take: Increasing consumer awareness is clearly encouraging stores to consider pollinators as they procure garden plants for sale. Voting with our forks as well as our gardens is changing what is available in the marketplace. Big drop found in neonicotinoid content of home stores’ ‘bee-friendly’ flowers MinnPost by Ron Meador Source: Marcia Cirillo Big progress is being made on one small battlefield of the war to protect bees and other pollinators from neonicotinoid insecticides.

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New Certification Program for Growing Cannabis

Cornucopia’s Take: With the rise in medical marijuana prescriptions, concerns arise about environmental practices and toxic chemicals used in growing the plants. MOFGA is now offering Clean Cannabis Certification to growers following organic guidelines. MOFGA Announces Clean Cannabis Certification Program Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) (This article is from their newsletter) One-year Trial to Determine Grower, Consumer Interest August 24, 2016 – The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) today announced a

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Beekeepers’ Pesticides May Hinder Bees’ Digestion

Cornucopia’s Take: Pesticides applied to keep bees safe from parasites like Varroa mites have been found to alter bees’ gut microbiota. Growing evidence in the beekeeping world points to using management techniques to control pests and safeguard bee health. Pesticides used to help bees may actually harm them EurekAlert! from Virginia Tech Source: North Worrell Pesticides beekeepers are using to improve honeybee health may actually be harming the bees by damaging the bacteria communities in

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