Privacy Policy
In order to post content to the site, you must register and provide a valid email address. You do not have to display your name or other contact information on comments, though that information can be accessed by the site administrator and may be used to block abuse. contact people for corrections to information they’ve posted, or who it appears could become contributors. Although it is possible the site could be hacked, your contact information will never knowingly be shared without your consent.
Terms of Use
By posting a comment, you are giving permission for text from your comment to be incorporated into this site. For example, if you post a comment on a specific topic and I think the information would be of general interest, I may use your text or images to create a new page on the site.
Comments and postings are reviewed periodically. If I consider a comment to be inappropriate or offensive, I will remove it and, depending on the content, may ban you from making further postings. Examples include, but are not limited to, personal attacks, ‘hate’ comments or inappropriate language. Please consider this a ‘G’ or ‘PG’ rated site and word your postings accordingly. If you notice content which you feel is inappropriate, please contact the site administrator to report it (including the url of the page where it appeared).
– jo landers