Valley Bounty: Scallions

scallionsSadly, the humble scallion often does not get its due.  Stalwart garnish for stir-fries and Tex-Mex dishes alike, our most common applications for this trusty springtime allium tend to be dishes where strong spices and heavy salting overshadow the green onion’s somewhat understated flavor. This is the perfect time of year to find scallions at your local farmers’ market, or in your first few CSA pickups; let’s liberate the scallion from the wok and see what else it has to offer us. Here are a few possibilities:

Simmer scallions in red wine with a bit of fresh-squeezed orange juice and a dollop of honey. When it thickens into a jam-like consistency, use as a condiment for pot roast or pork loin.

In place of asparagus, wrap scallions in prosciutto or bacon and throw them on the grill (or under the broiler) as a great, slightly salty side dish for fish or chicken.

Combine scallions in a mason jar with vinegar, salt, coriander, cumin, and mustard seeds, and wait a few days for them to pickle. They go great with fish, in a salad, on a hamburger, or in a grilled cheese sandwich.

Valley Bounty is written by Brian Snell