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Valley Bounty, September 7: Peppers

Sep 7 2013
Peppers come in lots of colors, shapes, and flavors, and short of growing your own, there’s no way to get that variety in fresh peppers other than to buy them from a local farmer. Find a farmer who loves peppers, and you can experiment with tastes and cuisines that are otherwise unavailable. Look for small, [continue reading]

Kids’ School Lunch Recipes: Peach Fruit Leather

Aug 22 2013
peachleatherWith fresh peaches, you can make your own delicious fruit leather from scratch. It tastes better and is healthier than it’s store bought cousin. This recipe was developed by local cookbook author Deanna Cook and featured on Mass Appeal.
5 ripe peaches
2 tablespoons honey
Preheat the oven to 200*. [continue reading]

Food-safety rules a threat to small New England farms

Aug 19 2013
Daily Hampshire Gazette
Monday, August 19, 2013
(Published in print: Tuesday, August 20, 2013)
WHATELY — As a vegetable grower in the Connecticut River valley, I have been involved in a customer-required food safety audit program on my farm for the past three years. The stringent [continue reading]

Valley Bounty, August 17: Peaches

Aug 17 2013
Juicy and delicious, a tree-ripened local peach is nothing like one that was picked before it was ripe and shipped across the globe. While they’re here, it’s worth eating lots of them. Start simple: eat them whole, or sliced and tossed with blueberries. Make a fresh peach salsa by chopping peaches with tomatoes, peppers, onions [continue reading]

Valley Bounty, August 10: Fresh Beans

Aug 10 2013
String beans —most often green, but sometimes yellow, purple, or striped—are the most common bean in local markets, but look also for fresh shell beans.  Try them boiled until tender, then tossed with oil and vinegar, garlic, cherry tomatoes, and herbs.  String beans are delicious and crunchy raw, but can also be sautéed, pickled, [continue reading]

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